Major update on who will walk out of WrestleMania 35 as Universal Champion
1 min read
According to the Dirty Sheets, Vince McMahon & Triple H have different thoughts regarding who they want to see as Universal Champion after WrestleMania 35.
Speaking of Vince McMahon, he wants Braun Strowman to walk into WrestleMania 35 as the Universal Champion and have him drop the Title to Drew McIntyre.
(It means Vince wants him to defeat Brock Lesnar to win the Title before WrestleMania)
On the other hand, Triple H wants Brock Lesnar to walk into WrestleMania 35 as the Universal Champion and have Seth Rollins defeat him to win the Title.
Triple H believes Rollins can fill the space that Roman Reigns’ departure has created.
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