WWE Hall of Famer & Olympic Gold Medallist Kurt Angle recently did a Q&A on facebook with fans. Below are some questions and their answers:
What are your thoughts on Jinder Mahal?
I love Jinder. He’s a TRUE heel and had a great championship run. He’s very valuable.
What do you consider your best year in WWE?
From a championship perspective, 2000-2001. From a workhorse perspective, 2001-2006. Yes, all 5 years. Why? Because I was undoubtedly the best in WWE during those 5 years. I’m not bragging, I’m being honest. My only setback was the neck injuries.
Hi Kurt, my question is what do you think Finn Bálor will have to do to even the odds against Baron Corbin, Bobby Lashley, and Drew McIntyre?
Those are some incredible odds. It doesn’t matter what side wins. Because With Finn Balor in the ring, you’re guaranteed to see an excellent match, regardless of who’s against him.
After years of being in the business and tons of experience what are the biggest life lessons you have learned from your career?
Take care of your body. I abused mine and ignored the aches pains and injuries. If I did it over again I’d take better care of myself. Your body is a temple.
If you was told today that your only able to have one more match and that's it who would you pick it be against?
That’s tough. I see so much talent right now. It’s hard to pick one. AJ or Joe or Rollins or Bryan. Then you have Sheamus and Cesaro. Corbin. Gable and Jordan. I’d have to go with either Rollins or Bryan. Only because I’ve never wrestled them and I’ve had my eye on them for 5 years.
Who do you think the next NXT call up will be? And why do they deserve it?
I’m liking this Velveteen Dream kid. It’s different and he has a lot of promise. I remember meeting him at an Indy show 5 years ago. He’s come a long way!